My Immune System Is Shit. 

This up and down weather really has my inside all sorts of mixed up. I almost threw up on a PetSmart employee during my lunch break while buying my dog medicine. (Poor guy is battling super dry skin). I would go into detail, but if I start talking about my dogs I’ll never shut up. 

Since I don’t feel 100% I’m not sure if I’m going to workout tonight, but I’m eating well and I’m drinking my water. Wearing my Fitbit is a big help because it tracks a lot for me and I can enter my food and water to help me stay on track. I just feel so lazy when I don’t run and lift, but I need to get better damnit! I keep reassuring myself that this is a life style change and that things will come up. 

Don’t give up. Keep going. 

Also, it reall sucks that I have a desk job, because even though I love it (most days) I hate sitting all day. It makes me feel unproductive even though I work my ass off mentally while I’m here. That’s another good thing about the Fitbit, it reminds me to move every hour. Even if it’s up and down the hallway or squats in the supply room, I get up and walk/move. 

I think that’s all I’ve got today. I’m going to attempt to get some work done before I throw up all over the fucking place. Send some healthy vibes my way! 

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